The Happy Traveler US
The Happy Traveler US
with Dr. Rosemary Swade
Boutique Group Travel for Amazing Journeys of Discovery
Member: IAMAT,Travel Consumer Restitution Corporation,
An affiliate of both Coastline Travel Advisor and Virtuoso Travel Advisors
The Happy Traveler US
will be offering several trips in the years to come.
Below is a short list of up-and-coming adventures with
The Happy Traveler US!
- Croatia and Montinegro
- Italy
-An optional trip to must-see...Venice, Florence and Rome will always be offered. In addition, a different region of Italy will be offered every year. Soon we will be visiting Southern Italy including Puglia and Sicily
- Switzerland and Austria
- Belgium, Holland and Northern France (Normandy)
- England and Wales
- Austria and Germany
- France
- Spain
- Portugal
- Greece
- New Zeland and Australia
- Japan
- Turkey​​, Egypt, Israel, and Jordan trips are postponed at this time.
North American Trips:
- Washington D.C.
- National Parks in the USA
- Alaska
- The Northern East Coast
Where would you like to go? Let Rosemary know and we will see what can be done!